Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How it All Happens

First off, we’d just like to send out a big "THANK YOU!" to those who took the time to cast their vote on the Halloween Decorating Style poll. The results were pretty overwhelmingly in favor of the Spooky/Eerie Halloween decor, which I'm happy to say we can definitely deliver! Stay tuned for more fun polls in the future.

We have lots of ideas for future WOWindow™ Posters, and we're constantly brainstorming about what the next best thing will be. It takes a lot of hard work and planning on our end to make a new style come to life. We take careful steps toward the final product, creating the very best art for our idea. Our artists are extremely talented at capturing whatever mood we need, whether it be the eerie calm of Jason Voorhees™ or the rosy warmth of Santa Claus.

I thought I'd post a fun animation of the transformation process the art for WOWindow™ Posters goes through. This particular design was illustrated by the talented Vince Natale.


Isn’t it amazing how something as spectacular as our new Santa Claus II starts out as just a rough idea? Everything has to start somewhere. We value all the thoughts and ideas that go into making WOWindow™ Posters, and we’re so excited to hear yours. Thanks again for reading!